006: Ask David — Identity Crisis; Finding a CBT Therapist; Love Me the Way I Am

In this first “Ask David” Podcast, Dr. Burns responds to three questions submitted by listeners or visitors to his website,

  1. What causes an “identity crisis?” And how do you treat it? You will discover that the answer takes you in an unexpected direction!
  2. Why is it so hard to find a therapist trained in cognitive therapy, as well as the newer T.E.A.M. techniques? When I go to therapists who claim to be cognitive, it always just amounts to schmoozing behind closed doors. They don’t use any of the techniques in your book, Feeling Good. I’m frustrated!
  3. In a relationship, should you change yourself in order to get along with someone, or should you wait for someone who will love you as you are?

Dr. Burns will be answering more of your questions in upcoming podcasts, including: How can I help a friend or family member who is struggling with depression or anxiety?

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